VR Eroge yattetara Isekai ni Tensei shita no de, Bishoujo Maou wo Doreika suru: Cross Out Saber

VR Eroge yattetara Isekai ni Tensei shita no de, Bishoujo Maou wo Doreika suru ~Cloth Out Saber~, VRエロゲーやってたら異世界に転生したので、美少女魔王を奴隷化する ~クロスアウト・セイバー~, VR游戏转生异世界调教魔王美少女 clothout·saber, When I Was Playing Eroge With VR, I Was Reincarnated In A Different World, I Will Enslave All The Beautiful Demon Girls ~Crossout Saber~
VR Eroge yattetara Isekai ni Tensei shita no de, Bishoujo Maou wo Doreika suru: Cross Out Saber
Followed by 23 people

Kali ini mengishkan seorang pria jones akut yang kesehariannya cuma main game VR eroge pada saat dia bermain game VR itu ketika dia coli dia mokad gegara kepalanya terbentur tembok maybe nih MC kita ini saking menikmati coli di Game VR nya ampe gak menghiraukan area sekitarnya….

note: suatu pukulkan keras bagi para jones akut tukang coli, kalau mau coli ingat area sekitar jangan fokus ke kahyalanmu vahaya nanti bisa mokad wkkwwk :’v

Status Ongoing
Type Manga
Released 2018
Author NISHINA Asamaru
Artist TAKTO
Serialization Web Valkyrie (Kill Time Communication)
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Warning, the series titled "VR Eroge yattetara Isekai ni Tensei shita no de, Bishoujo Maou wo Doreika suru: Cross Out Saber" may contain violence, blood or sexual content that is not appropriate for minors.

